JH CrossFit Scaling Tips
Goals for Scaling:
Preserve Original Stimulus: Consult your coach about the intended energy system (sprint, run, jog) to ensure the workout feels as intended.
Maintain Time Domain: Stick to the workout's time cap. Longer workouts aren't always better for calorie burn.
Maintain Movement Pattern: Scale to keep movement patterns as close to the original programming as possible.
Decrease Reps: Adjust the total number of repetitions to maintain form and safety.
Decrease Load: Scale weights according to the workout's goal. Use percentages of your max: 40% for light, 60% for moderate, and 80% for heavy.
Questions to Ask Before Scaling:
Can I do the RX weight and reps?
Do I have the skill for RX movements?
Can I finish within the RX time domain?
If you answer "NO" to any of these, scale to maintain the desired stimulus.
Important Consideration:
Question 3: For example, in "Diane" (21-15-9 Deadlifts at 225/155lbs and Handstand Push-Ups), completing it in 20 minutes misses the intended stimulus, affecting cardiovascular endurance, stamina, and speed.
Scaling Example:
Scaling "Diane" could look like:
15-12-9 with RX movements
21-15-9 of Deadlifts and Push Presses at 115/80lbs
21-15-9 Deadlifts at 185/125lbs with handstand push-ups
Choose based on your ability to preserve the stimulus and movement patterns.
The suggestions aim to get you close to the original stimulus and movement patterns. Choose based on your equipment and skill level.
Scaling & Movement Substitutions:
Handstand Walk:
HS Plate walks
HS Shoulder Taps
Wall Walk
Alligator slides
Bear Crawl
Handstand holds
DB Overhead Walk (2 DBs)
Rope Climb (1 to 15’):
3-4 Toes-to-Bar + 3-4 Strict Pull-Ups
3 Lying down Rope climbs
4-5 Strict Knees-to-Elbows + 4-5 ring rows
Legless Rope Climb (1 to 15’):
6 Strict Pull-Ups
Toes to Bar:
Hanging Knee Tuck
Toes to rig
Alternating V-Ups
Abmat Sit-Ups
Weighted Abmat Sit-Ups (light/moderate weight)
Double Unders:
2:1 Single Unders
2:1 Jogging Single Unders
1:1 Crossover Singles
Ring Muscle-Up:
Bar Muscle-Up
Jumping Bar Muscle-Up
Jumping Ring Muscle-Up
Burpee Pull-Up
2-3 Push-Ups + 2-3 Ring Rows
Negative HSPU (kick up with 3-5 sec descent)
HSPU on box
Pike Push-Up
Push-Up to Ab Mat
Knee Push-Up
3-5 sec Push-Up Negative
Banded Pull-Ups
Jumping Pull-Ups
3-5 sec Pull-Up Negative
Ring Rows
Body Rows
Row (500m):
Run 400m
Ski 500m
Assault Bike 1250m