General Terms
WOD (Workout of the Day):
The daily workout prescribed by the CrossFit coach or program.
AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible):
Perform as many rounds or repetitions of a specific set of exercises as possible within a given time frame.
EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute):
Perform a specific exercise or set of exercises at the start of every minute, resting for the remainder of the minute.
RFT (Rounds For Time):
Complete a specified number of rounds of exercises as quickly as possible.
Performing the workout as prescribed, without any modifications or scaling.
Modifying the workout to match an individual's fitness level or ability.
Exercise and Movement Terms
A CrossFit gym.
Box Jump:
Jumping onto and off a sturdy box or platform of a designated height.
A full-body exercise involving a squat, a jump back to a plank position, a push-up, a return to a squat, and a jump.
Lifting a barbell from the ground to the shoulders in one motion.
A movement to lift a barbell from the shoulders to overhead, using leg drive.
Kettlebell Swing:
Swinging a kettlebell from between the legs to shoulder height or overhead using hip thrust.
An upper-body exercise where one pulls themselves up to a bar until the chin is above the bar.
Lifting a barbell from the ground to overhead in one continuous motion.
A combination of a front squat and a push press.
Wall Ball:
Throwing a medicine ball to a target on the wall and catching it back in a squat position.
Terminology for Performance
PR (Personal Record):
Achieving a new personal best in a workout or lift.
Short for repetition, the number of times a particular exercise is performed.
A group of consecutive repetitions.
Metcon (Metabolic Conditioning):
Workouts designed to improve the efficiency of the body’s energy systems.
Hero WODs:
Workouts named after fallen heroes, typically more challenging and intense.
A long bar used for weightlifting, with weights added to each end.
Weights that are added to a barbell.
A cast-iron or steel weight resembling a cannonball with a handle, used for dynamic movements.
Medicine Ball:
A weighted ball used for various strength training exercises.
Row Erg:
A rowing machine used for cardio workouts.
Ski Erg:
A ski machine used to simulate the motion of Nordic skiing, providing a cardio workout.
Assault Bike:
A stationary bike with moving arms that provides a full-body cardio workout.
Benchmark WODs:
Standardized workouts used to measure progress over time.
A workout consisting of many different exercises with high reps, completed one after another.
A high-intensity interval training protocol consisting of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for 8 rounds.
The Open:
An annual five-week competition where CrossFit athletes worldwide complete the same workouts and submit their scores.
Box Brief:
Daily announcements or updates provided by the coach or box.