Expect CrossFit Coaches. World Class CrossFit coaches. Expertise in crossfit.

We hire only the best CrossFit Coaches based on our Hierarchy of Coaching Qualities below.

JH CrossFit’S Hierarchy of Coaching Qualities

Our "JH Hierarchy of Coaching Qualities" was created to cultivate exceptional coaches. Our fundamental belief is that for coaches to attain greatness, they must not overlook the basics of leadership. Our philosophy for nurturing outstanding coaches begins from the ground up so we’ll start from the base and build from there.        

1.) Leadership

2.) Consistency

3.) Happiness

4.) Knowledge

5.) Passion

The most pivotal quality a coach can possess is LEADERSHIP. Being a leader is a formidable yet rewarding responsibility. At JH CrossFit, we require leaders who are willing and able to take command of a class. A JH Leader embodies eight distinct traits, and our program is meticulously designed to nurture these qualities.

  • Leaders have the ability to draw out the best in individuals. True leaders, motivated by their relentless drive to overcome barriers, avoid "Comfort Zones" and assist others in surpassing their own limits.

  • Leaders are perpetual givers and servants to others. They lead not for personal recognition but to uncover and celebrate the strengths of those they lead.

  • Leaders never allow ambition fade. Ambition fosters diligence, determination, and an unwavering drive to succeed, creating an infectious energy that naturally inspires others. Leadership is ambition.

  • Exceptional leaders maintain positive attitudes, guiding their teams through challenging times, providing encouragement, and preserving a positive team morale, which hinges heavily on the leader's attitude.

  • Leadership entails staying attuned to one's team members, positioning them for success. Leaders must possess an in-depth understanding of each individual, including their goals and sources of motivation. By committing to help each person achieve their personal goals, a leader lays the foundation for organizational greatness.

  • Leaders are adept listeners, attuned to both verbal and nonverbal cues, enabling them to address issues before they escalate.

  • Leaders consistently set the right example by upholding high standards, establishing community goals, fostering innovation, and motivating individuals to persevere, even in the face of adversity. Leaders infuse rooms full of people with energy and set examples of cooperation, trust, and openness. They prioritize solutions and positivity over fault-finding and blame.

  • Leaders understand the significance of teamwork, recognizing their own strengths and weaknesses, and seeking complementary leadership skills to fulfill the team's needs. A team with only one leader will stagnate. We each must step up to the challenge to lead when called upon.

The second attribute we seek is CONSISTENCY. Anyone can excel temporarily, but we value individuals who consistently do things right over time. We cannot be hindered by inconsistent actions or habits. Our members demand consistency in coaching and programming, trusting our coaches to be where they promise to be, when they promise to be there. We expect words to align consistently with actions and will not tolerate contradictions.

The third essential coaching attribute is HAPPINESS. We seek individuals who can set aside external distractions and maintain an enthusiastic demeanor in front of athletes. We want coaches who become the highlight of someone's day, regardless of external circumstances. Genuine enthusiasm for our clients is paramount.

The fourth coaching attribute is KNOWLEDGE. Put simply, we must know what we are talking about. We must have a constant pursuit of knowledge, knowing that those who trust us will look to us for guidance. We will not be the blind leading the blind, but rather a guide dog to those humble enough to seek help. When individuals seek answers, we will be honest with our responses, humbling ourselves when we do not know the answer and promptly learn and return with the knowledge they are seeking.

The last attribute of a great coach is PASSION. Passion, fueled by knowledge and consistently channeled through a joyful leader, is where the magic truly happens. However, it's important to note that passion alone is not enough. Passion without knowledge can result in injuries, passion without joy can lead to conflicts, passion applied inconsistently can result in canceled memberships, and passion without leadership is just quiet noise in the background.

At JH CrossFit, we value coaches who embody leadership, consistency, happiness, knowledge, and passion. These attributes, when combined, create a winning formula for excellence in coaching and ensure the best experience for our members.